PPN Radio

PPN Radio is was a streaming internet radio station that plays Rock, Metal, Power metal, Progressive metal, new metal, and symphonic metal 24/7, 365 days a year.

PPN Radio is currently offline due to technical problems. Please check back here or @PPNStudio for the latest updates.

PPN Radio

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Currently we have a random on-air schedule, but are working towards our goal of having various DJ's spinning their favorites as well as some great recurring shows. If you want to be a DJ or have a great idea for your own show, please feel free to contact us.

PPN Radio is your Power, Progressive, New metal, and symphonic metal source.

PM-Radio is an anime (and related) show, as well as offering cool specials, call-ins, and more..

RadioSato plays everything from a to z, and from 0 to 8675309.

DJ RRV Is your hardcore techno, house and hardcore mix source. Custom and one of a kind mixes and more can be found here.

Look here for more stream info and links (soon) as well as an overview of the various streams we have and for our airing schedule..
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PPN Radio Example Playlist

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